Today, we are pleased to announce that Microsoft will once again be supporting Open Data Day by providing mini-grants to organisations to help them run events, the call will launch on Open Data Day 2022.
Photo from Microsoft supported event on Open Data Day 2021, run by Riva Quiroga from Chile. Read their event report here.
What’s this about?
Open Data Day is an annual, global celebration of open data. Each year, 300+ groups from around the world create local events to:
- show the benefits of open data in their local community; and
- encourage the adoption of open data policies in government, business and civil society.
Find out more on the Open Data Day website.
Microsoft Supporting Open Data Day
For the second year in a row, we are delighted to welcome Microsoft’s support for the mini-grant programme. For Open Data Day 2022, Microsoft’s Open Data Campaign is contributing $10K to support at least 10 mini-grants from around the world, connecting knowledge and open data with active communities to transform both into actions.
Unlike past years, our Open Data Day grants will launch on the 5th of March to support events in the upcoming months, all over the World.
The grants will support selected registered institutions and the amount to apply for would be up from USD 1000 to up to USD 1500 for in-person events only. The grants will favour work across disciplines and targeted to concrete campaigns and advocacy efforts to support the Paris Agreement and local efforts tackling climate change. Microsoft will support 8 to 10 projects within this range. The events could take place from mid-March until August 31st.
There will be a special category of USD$1000 grants for events related to Ocean Data, and Microsoft will support at least three projects with grants.
The results will be showcased during the International Day of Access to Public Information.
Last year, Microsoft funded events in 17 countries across Africa, Asia, Europe and South America. These included Code for Pakistan’s analysis of tree planting in Pakistan workshops to analyse educational data in Latin America and open data workshops for journalism students in Guatemala [Spanish]. For the full list of Microsoft supported Open Data Day 2021 events, check out the Open Data Day Annual Report.
How can I get involved?
Open Data Day is a community event. Everyone is encouraged to participate.
The next Open Data Day takes place on March 5th 2022. Further details of this year’s mini-grant scheme will be launched during the Open Data Day for in-person activities. In the meantime, why not check out the list of resources available on the Open Data Day website, and start planning your Open Data Day 2022 event!
If you would like to join Microsoft as an Open Data Day partner, please email to find out more.