The South at the world’s centre: OKFN dive into Uruguay’s data marathon

At the beginning of November, I visited Uruguay in the capacity of Open Knowledge Foundation’s Partnerships Lead to take part in #MaratónDeDatos, a pool of various events focused on the work with data, open data and open knowledge, and a meeting point for the global community engaged with the topic. I first arrived in Montevideo […]

Csv,conf is going to Mexico!

The most beloved community conference for datamakers from all around the world is back in May 2024! After a very successful seventh edition in Buenos Aires in April 2023, we have decided to linger a little longer in Latin America. We are very excited to announce that csv,conf,v8 will take place in Mexico!  The commallama […]

csv,conf,v6 is going ahead on May 4-5 2021

Save the date for csv,conf,v6! The 6th version of csv,conf will be held online on May 4-5 2021. If you are passionate about data and its application to society, this is the conference for you. Submissions for session proposals for 25-minute talk slots, and a new ‘Birds of a Feather’ track, for which we invite […]

Tell us how you think we can better support Open Data Day

This year has been such an eventful year for all of us. As 2020 nears its end, here at Open Knowledge Foundation we are starting to think about Open Data Day 2021. I checked my calendar this morning – and it’s only 4 months away ! Open Data Day is such a great opportunity for […]

DataStories Symposium

At the DataStories Symposium 2020 we will explore how people engage with data to create stories. Data is represented in different ways to allow us to understand and make use of it: in numbers, in text, in visualisations, in interactive stories and other forms. Data stories are relevant to many areas of our life – […]

2017: A Year to Remember for OK Nepal

This blog has been cross-posted from the OK Nepal blog as part of our blog series of Open Knowledge Network updates. Best wishes for 2018 from OK Nepal to all of the Open Knowledge family and friends!! The year 2017 was one of the best years for Open Knowledge Nepal. We started our journey by […]

An update from Open Burkina

Energy is fundamental to any development. The National Electricity Company of Burkina Faso (SONABEL) whose task is the generation, transmission, and distribution of electricity in the Burkinabè population, works hard to enable citizens to benefit from this as an important resource. However, it is clear that SONABEL hardly fulfills this mission: hardly a day goes by […]

Fostering open, inclusive, and respectful participation

At Open Knowledge International we have been involved with various projects with other civil society organisations aiming for the release of public interest data, so that anyone can use it for any purpose. More importantly, we focus on putting this data to use, to help it fulfil its potential of working towards fairer and more […]

Why MyData 2017?

This is a guest post explaining the focus of the MyData conference in Tallinn and Helsinki later this month. By a famous writing tip, you should always start texts with ‘why?’. Here we are taking that tip, and we actually find many ways to answer the big Why. So, Why MyData 2017? Did you get […]

New Open Knowledge Network chapter in Nepal

We are happy to announce that this month a new Chapter at the Open Knowledge Network is being launched officially: welcome Open Knowledge Nepal in this new stage! Since February 2013, Open Knowledge Nepal has been involved in research, advocacy, training, organizing meetups and hackathons, and developing tools related to Open Data, Open Government Data, […]

Data Tables at csv,conf,v3

You may have heard that csv,conf,v3 is happening again this year, May 2nd and 3rd, in Portland, Oregon! We have a really great line-up of speakers from across the world on a set of topics ranging from the democratization of data analysis and election mapping to the very timely subject of emoji data science (?). […]

Season Greetings from OK Ireland and 2016 in review

This blog post is part of our on-going Community series featuring updates from chapters across the Open Knowledge Network and was written by the team of Open Knowledge Ireland and edited by Flora Fleischer and Siobhan Denham. Our warm season greetings to all friends of Open Knowledge As we approach the final days of this year, we would […]