Open Knowledge Foundation is thrilled to announce the launch of a global open call for proposals as part of the EITI Datathon: Innovative solutions for a data-driven energy transition. The Datathon is organised by the Extractives Industries Transparency Initiative, which partnered with OKF and Thibi to deliver the event. The applicants selected as part of the open call will have the opportunity to prototype their idea during a 2-day event on September 10 and 11, taking place entirely online.
Since its inception in 2003, EITI reporting has generated rich data, including on the economic contribution of the extractive sector in more than fifty countries around the world. This event aims to encourage innovation in the use of EITI and extractives industry data to contribute to policy and public debate on energy transition pathways.
The datathon is structured as a design challenge, where each participant chooses a proposed scenario to work on to produce a solution that matches the current needs of EITI stakeholders. The four scenarios are:
* Scenario 1: Officials considering how to invest government revenues to support long-term development plans in the context of the energy transition
* Scenario 2: Empowering citizens to give their voice in the debate around energy transition
* Scenario 3: Improving how local populations engage with social spending data to ensure sustainable investments in their communities
* Scenario 4: Strengthening public disclosure of revenue data by government agencies in a context of uncertainty
Applicants will be provided with resources like related datasets as well as mentors with relevant domain expertise to tackle data and technical challenges, allowing applicants to work on prototypes that could make a real impact in the field of energy transition.
Prizes will be awarded to the teams who come up with the best solutions during the event.
Do you have data, design or development skills? The open call is now open, and the selected teams for the mentoring phase and final event will be announced by August 8, 2022. Send us your proposal via the application form until July 31st and if you have any questions write to us at eitidatathon@okfn.org or attend one of the Q&A sessions on July 19th, 2022 at 11:00 AM and 5:00 PM and July 20th, 2022 at 5:00 PM, all in Central Europe Summer Time (CEST).