Towards a knowledge society through the technologies we want

CEO Reflection Ahead of 2025 – We will continue to fight for a knowledge society rather than a surveillance society, one that benefits the many rather than the few and is built on the principles of collaboration rather than control, empowerment rather than exploitation, and sharing rather than monopoly.

Report: Open Movement’s Common(s) Causes

This report outlines a shared advocacy strategy for the Knowledge Commons, based on a mapping of opportunities and threats facing the open movement that took place at Common(s) Cause, a Wikimania 2024 side event.

Panel: The Tech We Want is Sustainable for People and the Planet

Eco, green, or simply sustainable technologies have several implicit meanings: long life, affordable maintenance, skilled people, resource-friendly, economical to use, renewable, regenerative, etc. In this panel, thinkers, practitioners and promoters of different aspects of software sustainability will discuss if and how it is possible to achieve a development model for people and the planet. Is there a way out of the disaster versus greenwashing narratives?

Urgent Call for Tech Companies to Respect Palestinian Digital Rights in Times of Crisis

We, a collective of human rights and civil society organizations, urge tech companies to immediately take strict measures to protect their users from harm in light of the escalating events in the region. These events have inevitably led to increased discrimination against Palestinian content and a rise in anti-Palestinian racism across various online platforms, and […]