The following post is from Jonathan Gray, Community Coordinator at the Open Knowledge Foundation.

The world’s biggest open data event to date, Open Government Data Camp 2011, is taking place in Warsaw next week.
Our dedicated team of organisers has been busy working around the clock to prepare a veritable feast of all things open data – with support from over 30 partner organisations, and nearly 60 of the open data’s best and brightest from around the world.
So far we’ve confirmed that there will be participation from over 40 countries (and counting).
We have a phenomenal line up of keynote speakers, including:
- Carl-Christian Buhr (European Commission) + video address from Neelie Kroes (Vice-President of the European Commission and Digital Agenda Commissioner)
- David Eaves (Advisor to the Mayor of Vancouver)
- Ellen S. Miller (Co-Founder, Sunlight Foundation)
- Andrew Rasiej (Co-Founder, Personal Democracy Forum)
- Nigel Shadbolt (UK Public Sector Transparency Board)
- Tom Steinberg (Founder, mySociety)
- Andrew Stott (Former Director for Digital Engagement, Cabinet Office, UK)
- Chris Taggart (Co-Founder, OpenCorporates + OpenlyLocal)
As with last year there will be a whole host of workshops, sessions, and project sprints. A few personal highlights include:
- Learn how to open up city data with people who been involved in local open data initiatives in Canada, Germany, Netherlands, UK and US
- Learn how to run a national open data initiative with the folks behind,, the Kenyan open data portal and other national data catalogues
- Learn how to get the legal stuff right with lawyers, legal experts and public bodies around the world
- Learn how to boot your own open source data hub with the CKAN team
- Learn about how to run and manage apps competitions and how to support communities of developers and data users
- Learn about cross-border open data with OpenCorporates and OpenSpending
- Learn how to work with EU spending data with leading data journalists and data wranglers
- Learn about how to work with organisational identifiers (e.g. company names) with AidInfo, OpenCorporates and the Sunlight Foundation
You can see a sneak preview of the programme and satellite events here:
If you’d like to come, but you still haven’t bought a ticket – there are still a few left:
- If you want to promote #ogdcamp in your country or your community, now is the time! You can find images, texts and links to lots of coverage of the camp here:
You can follow the camp before, during and after the event at #ogdcamp on Twitter.
We hope to see you there!
Dr. Jonathan Gray is Lecturer in Critical Infrastructure Studies at the Department of Digital Humanities, King’s College London, where he is currently writing a book on data worlds. He is also Cofounder of the Public Data Lab; and Research Associate at the Digital Methods Initiative (University of Amsterdam) and the médialab (Sciences Po, Paris). More about his work can be found at and he tweets at @jwyg.