Project Manager Sara Petti gives a behind-the-scenes account of the development of ODE at csv,conf,v8 – a journey full of lessons learned.
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Project Manager Sara Petti gives a behind-the-scenes account of the development of ODE at csv,conf,v8 – a journey full of lessons learned.
As announced in January, this year the Open Knowledge Foundation (OKFN) team is working to develop a stable version of the Open Data Editor (ODE) application. Thanks to financial support from the Patrick J. McGovern Foundation, we will be able to create a no-code tool for data manipulation and publishing that is accessible to everyone, […]
Join us on this learning journey and follow the details of the app’s development in this series of blogs.
Join us on this learning journey and follow the details of the app’s development in this series of blogs.
We are pleased to announce that the Open Knowledge Foundation has been selected as a grantee of the Patrick J. McGovern Foundation, marking a significant milestone for the development of the Open Data Editor (ODE) application, a tool that will unlock the power of data for key groups, including scientists, journalists and data activists.
OKFN is thrilled to introduce the initial version of the Open Data Editor (beta) today. We hope it will become in the future a no-code, easy-to-use application to explore and publish all kinds of data.