Coronavirus: why an open future has never been more important

The coronavirus pandemic has turned our world upside down. 2020 will be remembered as the year when we faced the greatest global crisis since the Second World War, and its impact will be felt for generations to come. Tens of thousands of families have said goodbye to loved ones, taken from them by an invisible […]

Staying open: how we will continue our work despite COVID-19

 We know that you will be concerned about the impact of COVID-19 on you and your loved ones. At the Open Knowledge Foundation, our thoughts are with all those around the world who have been affected by the outbreak, and we would like to thank everyone working on the frontline to tackle the virus […]

Making remote working work for you and your organisation

 The coronavirus outbreak means that up to 20 per cent of the UK workforce could be off sick or self-isolating during the peak of an epidemic. Millions of people may not be ill, but they will be following expert advice to stay away from their workplace to help prevent the spread of the virus. […]

Open knowledge, AI and algorithms

  As the Open Knowledge Foundation turned 15 years old, we took the time to look at the changing landscape of challenges faced by society.  The tumultuous debate around algorithms and artificial intelligence (AI) appeared to us as an opportunity to mobilise our unique experience with open data and data literacy and create positive change. […]

Celebrating the tenth Open Data Day on Saturday 7th March 2020

In Ghana, satellite and drone imagery is being used to track deforestation and water pollution in West Africa. In South Africa, the first map of minibus taxi routes in a township in Pretoria is being created. In the Philippines, a map is being designed to highlight HIV facilities and LGBT-friendly spaces, while a similar project […]

Unveiling the new website, blog and logo

Today the Open Knowledge Foundation is launching its revamped website, updated blog and new logo. Our vision is for a future that is fair, free and open. This will be our guiding principle in everything we do. Our mission is to create a more open world – a world where all non-personal information is open, […]

Reflections on the 2019 European parliamentary elections

With around 200 million people voting across Europe, the make-up of the new European Parliament for the next five years has been decided. While the centre-right European People’s Party (EPP) won the most seats, its contingent is down on the previous election. The traditional centre-left grouping of the Socialists and Democrats (S&D) – which I was […]

World Wide Web faces real dangers as it turns 30

This article was originally published in The Scotsman. Sir Tim Berners-Lee’s invention of the world wide web has transformed modern life, but more work must be done to ensure it continues to be a force for good, writes Catherine Stihler. At the giant research laboratory in a suburb of Geneva, the innovative ideas produced by […]

Fighting for a more open world: our CEO’s keynote speech at Open Belgium 2019

On Monday 4th March 2019, Catherine Stihler, the new chief executive of Open Knowledge International, will deliver a keynote speech – Fighting for a more open world – at the Open Belgium 2019 conference in Brussels. Read the speech below and visit the Open Belgium website or follow the hashtag to learn more about the event. […]

Protecting libraries and the vital role they play in local communities

This article was originally published in The Scotsman. With councils across the UK facing major financial pressures, libraries are too often seen as an easy target for cuts. In 2017, it is estimated that more than 120 libraries closed their doors in England, Wales and Scotland. That figure is likely to have increased last year. […]

Building a more open world: thoughts from our new CEO Catherine Stihler

This is my first week in my new role as Chief Executive of Open Knowledge International. Digital skills and data use have always been a personal passion, and I can’t wait to work alongside and meet so many talented people fighting for a more open world. It is a privilege to be part of an […]