Measuring a crisis: Why data is crucial to ensure the right to education

The Open Knowledge Foundation has had a long-standing working relationship with the Right to Education Index, a global monitoring and accountability initiative aimed at ensuring that everybody can enjoy their right to a quality education. It’s difficult to measure the impact of COVID-19 on the right to education. We know that 1.6 billion children, or […]

An open future for every child

An estimated 1.5 billion children worldwide have had their learning disrupted due to the COVID-19 pandemic. This global emergency is far more than a public health crisis: it has stalled educational progress in every nation, with economic consequences that could last for a generation. Throughout the pandemic, which saw lockdowns in most countries, Open Education […]

Changing Minds by Using Open Data

This blog has been rewritten from the original post on our Open Education Working Group blog and is co-authored by Javiera Atenas, Erdinç Saçan & Robert Schuwer.   The Greek philosopher Pythagoras once said: “if you want to multiply joy, then you have to share.” This also applies to data. Who shares data, gets a […]

OpenEdu Policies reports: JRC Research Centre

This blog has been reposted from the Open Education Working Group blog and has been written as a joint effort by Javiera Atenas and  Paul Bacsich, co-coordinators of the Open Education Working Group.  Hot off the press: OpenEdu Policies reports . These reports are the final outcome of one and a half intense years of research […]

Educators ask for a better copyright

This blog has been reposted from the Open Education Working Group page.   Today we, the Open Education Working Group, publish a joint letter initiated by Communia Association for the Public Domain that urgently requests to improve the education exception in the proposal for a Directive on Copyright in the Digital Single Market (DSM Directive). The letter […]

Leveraging the fight for stronger openness in education

This blog has been jointly written by Muriel Poisson (IIEP-UNESCO) and Javiera Atenas (Open Education Working Group): their full bio’s can be found below this post. Education and corruption: these two themes tend to come out in every discussion about development, although, there is little discussion on corruption in the educational systems, or how to […]

The Open Education Working Group: What do we do and what is coming up next

The Open Education Working Group ( is a very active community of educators, researchers, PhD students, policy makers and advocates that promote, support and collaborate with projects related with the advancement of Open Education in different fields at international level. This group aims at supporting the development of Open Educational projects at international level but […]

Half of the world languages are dying really fast – how you can save yours

Languages are a gateway to knowledge. How can digital tools be used to help native language speakers access and contribute knowledge? In this blog, Subhashish Panigrahi shows how endangered languages can be documented and preserved using open standards and tools. The world’s knowledge that have been accumulated and coded over ages in different languages are […]

Right to Education Index 2016 Data Now Live!

RESULTS Educational Fund and Open Knowledge International are pleased to present the 2016 data from the Right to Education Index (RTEI), a global accountability initiative that aims to ensure that all people, everywhere, enjoy the right to a quality education. RTEI is an action research project using a monitoring tool based on international human rights law […]

OpenCon 2015 is launched

This blog post is cross-posted from the Open Access Working Group blog. Details of OpenCon 2015 have just been announced! OpenCon2015: Empowering the Next Generation to Advance Open Access, Open Education and Open Data will take place in on November 14-16 in Brussels, Belgium and bring together students and early career academic professionals from across […]

Open Knowledge Russia: Experimenting with data expeditions

As part of Open Education Week #openeducationwk activities we are publishing a post on how Open Knowledge Russia have been experimenting with data expeditions. This a follow up post to one that appeared on the Open Education Working Group Website which gave an overview of Open Education projects in Russia. The authors of this post […]

Introducing Open Education Data

Open education data is a relatively new area of interest with only dispersed pockets of exploration having taken place worldwide. The phrase ‘open education data’ remains loosely defined but might be used to refer to: all openly available data that could be used for educational purpose open data that is released by education institutions Understood […]

What has open data got to do with education?

“What has open data got to do with education?” This was the question yesterday’s online community session attempted to unravel. During the session it was agreed that potential for open data in the education space is huge, with an increasing number of case-studies emerging and exciting data hackathons taking place. However there are also many […]

Community Sessions: Video Skillshare and Open Education

Happy June! We have a few Community Sessions to announce. OKFestival is almost a month away. Videos are key for storytelling, so we are hosting a Video Skillshare to help us all learn. The Open Education Working Group will join us to talk about why open data matters in education. Join us for these two […]

Newsflash! OKFestival Programme Launches

At last, it’s here! Check out the details of the OKFestival 2014 programme – including session descriptions, times and facilitator bios here! We’re using a tool called Sched to display the programme this year and it has several great features. Firstly, it gives individual session organisers the ability to update the details on the session […]

Making it Matter: open data, education and the developing world

What real-world problems are there related to education in the developing world that could potentially be solved by open data and technology solutions? How about: Insufficiently trained teachers, badly informed decision makers, lack of key data sets, the inferior quality of teaching resources and their poor discoverability, inadequate infrastructure meaning that education can rarely be […]

Second Open Education Booksprint

The Open Education Working Group and LinkedUp Project will be hosting the second Open Education Handbook booksprint in collaboration with Wikimedia Deutschland on Friday 22nd November 2013. The booksprint will be held at the at the Wikimedia Deutschland office, Berlin and we’d really like you to participate! During the booksprint participants will be involved in […]

LinkedUp Open Education Veni Competition: The winners!

The winners for the LinkedUp Veni Competition, organised by the LinkedUp Project were announced today at the Open Knowledge Conference in Geneva. The LinkedUp Project, a multi partner consortium funded by Framework Programme 7, want to push forward the exploitation of the vast amounts of public, open data available on the Web, in particular by […]

Veni Open Education Competition: Vote now!

There is just one week left to chose a winner in the ‘People’s Choice’ strand of the LinkedUp Veni Competition. The Veni Competition is the first in the LinkedUp Challenge, a series of three consecutive competitions looking for interesting and innovative tools and applications that analyse and/or integrate open web data for educational purposes. Twenty-two […]

Open Education Working Group and Panel at OKCon 2013

Cross-posted from the OKCon Blog.   Discussions around open education tend to focus primarily on Open Educational Resources (OER) – freely accessible, openly licensed resources that are used for teaching, learning, educational, assessment and research purposes. However open education is a complex beast made up of many aspects, and the important elements of opening up […]

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