#ODD2023 Stories @ Kenya 🇰🇪

On 4  March 2023, Fablab Winam organised the Open Data Day at Rosemary Hotel, Kamas, Kisumu, where 30 participants joined the event. The objective of the event was to introduce modern technology in local manufacturing optimisation and transformation using open data to AI. The event approach had greater challenges, especially since we were working with […]

Opening up data to counter climate change in Kenya: Open Data Day 2020 report

On Saturday 7th March 2020, the tenth Open Data Day took place with people around the world organising over 300 events to celebrate, promote and spread the use of open data. Thanks to generous support from key funders, the Open Knowledge Foundation was able to support the running of more than 60 of these events […]

Tracking spending by Kenya’s county governments: Open Data Day 2020 report

On Saturday 7th March 2020, the tenth Open Data Day took place with people around the world organising over 300 events to celebrate, promote and spread the use of open data. Thanks to generous support from key funders, the Open Knowledge Foundation was able to support the running of more than 60 of these events […]

2019 Open Data Day celebrations in Kenya

This report is part of the event report series on International Open Data Day 2019. On Saturday 2nd March, groups from around the world organised over 300 events to celebrate, promote and spread the use of open data. EldoHub and OpenStreetMap Kenya received funding through the mini-grant scheme by Mapbox and the Foreign and Commonwealth Office of the […]