Open Data Day 2025 – Mini-Grants Open Call

We are excited to announce the launch of the ODD25 Mini-Grants to support organisations hosting open data events and activities. Find out all about the two open calls this year and apply.

#ODD2023 Stories @ Kenya 🇰🇪

On 4  March 2023, Fablab Winam organised the Open Data Day at Rosemary Hotel, Kamas, Kisumu, where 30 participants joined the event. The objective of the event was to introduce modern technology in local manufacturing optimisation and transformation using open data to AI. The event approach had greater challenges, especially since we were working with […]

#ODD2023 Stories @ Argentina 🇦🇷

Damegender organised the Open Data Day event on 7 March 2023 at a coworking space in Argentina, where a presentation session on the concept of DameGender and Free Licences was conducted. David Arroyo Menéndez led the presentation. The first presentation was about, “Towards an international and free dataset about name, gender and frequency”, where he […]

#ODD2023 Stories @ Chile 🇨🇱

Abriendo Datos Foundation and Flacso Chile have worked for three years in the development of “Verano de Datos Abiertos” (Open Data Summer), an initiative that promotes the debate about the open data ecosystem and also contributes to a culture of learning in the context of Chile. To celebrate Open Data Day, Fundación Abriendo Datos hosted […]

#ODD2023 Stories @ Ethiopia 🇪🇹

On 9 March 2023, Acatech Technology PLC in collaboration with Open Knowledge Ethiopia organised the Open Data Day event in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. “Open data-driven AI in Ethiopia: Hackathon Event” was the thematic focus of the event. The event brought together participants from Addis Ababa University (AAU), Ethiopian Statistics Service, Ethiopian Policy Studies, Information Network […]

#ODD2023 Stories @ Tanzania 🇹🇿

GeoTE Tanzania celebrated Open Data Day on 10 March 2023, where representatives from different organisations and students participated in the event. The event theme was “Mapping with Artificial Intelligence for Disaster Response”, where we aimed to help create open data to help areas affected by earthquakes in Turkey and Syria. The event was successfully organised […]

#ODD2023 Stories @ Madagascar 🇲🇬

To give the opportunity to learn Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning for biodiversity conservation for young researchers of the University of Mahajanga, Tanjona Association organised the Open Data Day event. This event was held on 9 – 10 March 2023 at the University of Mahajanga, under the name “Hay Tech” as same as the last […]

#ODD2023 Stories @ Togo 🇹🇬

As part of the commemoration of Open Data Day, OpenStreetMap (OSM) Togo in partnership with Wikimedia Community Togo and Internet Society Togo’s chapter hosted a “Meet-up on Artificial Intelligence and Open Data” on 4th March 2023. The event aims to bring together data stakeholders at the same table to discuss the real potential of open […]

#ODD2023 Stories @ Namibia 🇳🇦

On 21 April 21, 2023, We Are Capable (WAC) Namibia hosted Open Data Day at the Namibia Business Innovation Centre boardroom of the Namibia University of Science and Technology (NUST). The event was held with the theme “Challenges and opportunities in promoting ethical and cultural AI through open data and data sharing”. The event aimed […]

#ODD2023 Stories @ Philippines 🇵🇭

On March 4, 2023, USTP YouthMappers organised Open Data Day 2023 with the theme “Empowering AI and Mapping with Open Data” at the University of Science and Technology of Southern Philippines, Cagayan de Oro Campus. With 40 participants, the training workshop was a tremendous success, and it was encouraging to see that more than half […]

#ODD2023 Stories @ Venezuela 🇻🇪

The Latin American Center for Internet Research (CLISI) held a discussion on Artificial Intelligence, Virtual Reality, and Open Data in the city of Valencia, in the spaces of the Librería La Alegría to celebrate Open Data Day 2023. The attendees interested in the subject, as well as a group of journalists from the Carabobo region, […]

#ODD2023 Stories @ Uganda 🇺🇬

To commemorate Open Data Day 2023, Amara Hub convened a co-creation session to discuss the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in conservation efforts in Northern Uganda. The session was attended by a diverse spectrum of participants from Uganda Wildlife Authority, Africa Wildlife Federation, Uganda Conservation Foundation, Unwanted Witness along with conservation tech enthusiasts and practitioners, […]

#ODD2023 Stories @ Burkina Faso 🇧🇫

On 10th March 2023, Youth Open Data organised a workshop to mark Open Data Day. The workshop brought together 40 young leaders and representatives of civil society organisations in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso. The general objective of the workshop was to exchange understanding, commitment, and action at the national level in terms of Artificial intelligence (AI) […]