Don't miss a thing! Stay on top of what's happening in the #OpenMovement around the world.
Why civil society organisations are using OpenSpending to share fiscal data with the public
OpenSpending is one of Open Knowledge International’s current projects. It is a free and open platform for citizens looking to track and analyse public fiscal information globally. While the OpenSpending team was busy revamping the platform over the last year we have been fortunate to have a community of users actively involved in testing the […]
Read moreOpen Knowledge Ireland Summer 2016 Update
This blog post is part of our summer series featuring chapter updates from across the Open Knowledge Network and was written by the team of Open Knowledge Ireland. What is OK Ireland and what do we do? Open Knowledge Ireland is a team of 9 volunteers who envision an information age where everyone, not just […]
Read moreOpen Knowledge Greece Summer 2016 Update
This blog post is part of our summer series featuring updates from chapters across the Open Knowledge Network and was written by the team of Open Knowledge Greece. Open Knowledge Greece consists of a dynamic team of community members who are interested in open data, linked data technologies, and coding and who do their best […]
Read moreOpen Knowledge Austria Summer 2016 update
This blog post is part of our summer series featuring updates from chapters across the Open Knowledge Network and was written by the team of Open Knowledge Austria. The last two months have been very vibrant within Open Knowledge Austria. We co-organized the monthly Vienna Open Data Meetup, but no other public appearances, because we […]
Read moreOpenSpending collaborates with Mexico’s Ministry of Finance to standardise and visualise government budget data
On September 8, 2016, Mexico became the first country to formally adopt the Open Fiscal Data Package, an international open data standard promoted by the Global Initiative for Fiscal Transparency (GIFT), in collaboration with Open Knowledge International and the World Bank, with the support of Omidyar Network. This collaboration is a pioneering step for […]
Read moreWhat skills do you need to become a data-driven storyteller? Join a week-long data journalism training #ddjcamp
This post is written by Anastasia Valeeva, data journalist and member of Open Knowledge Russia, one of the local groups in the Open Knowledge Network. European Youth Press is organising a week-long intensive training on data journalism funded by Erasmus+. It is aimed at young journalists, developers and human rights activists from 11 countries: Czech Republic, […]
Read moreFreedom to control MyData: Access to personal data as a step towards solving wider social issues.
This piece is part of a series of posts from MyData 2016 – an international conference that focuses on human centric personal information management. The conference is co-hosted by the Open Knowledge Finland chapter of the Open Knowledge International Network. Song lyrics: Pharrell Williams “Freedom”; Image Pixabay CC0 Indeed, the theme of MyData so far is […]
Read moreWhat does personal data have to do with open data? Initial thoughts from #MyData2016
This piece is part of a series of posts from MyData 2016 – an international conference that focuses on human centric personal information management. The conference is co-hosted by the Open Knowledge Finland chapter of the Open Knowledge International Network. What does personal data have to do with open data? We usually preach NOT to open […]
Read moreOpenTrials launch date + Hack Day
Exciting news! OpenTrials, a project in which Open Knowledge is developing an open, online database of information about the world’s clinical research trials, will officially launch its beta on Monday 10th October 2016 at the World Health Summit in Berlin. After months of work behind-the-scenes meeting, planning, and developing, we’re all really excited about demoing OpenTrials […]
Read moreOpen Knowledge Switzerland Summer 2016 Update
The first half of 2016 was a very busy one for the Open Knowledge Swiss chapter, Just between April to June the chapter had 3 Hackathons, 15 talks, 3 meetups and 10 workshops. In this blog post we highlight some of these activities to update the Open Knowledge Community about our chapter’s work. […]
Read moreCome talk Open Data and Land Governance with Cadasta on the LandPortal! Join the online discussion Sept 6-20th, 2016
Earlier this year, Open Knowledge International announced a joint-initiative with the Cadasta Foundation to explore property rights data with the ultimate goal of defining the land ownership dataset for the Global Open Data Index. Lindsay Ferris from the Cadasta team shares more on how you can get involved on issues related to open data in land […]
Read moreOpen Knowledge Brazil summer 2016 update
This blog post is part of our summer chapters updates and was written by the team of OK Brazil. Brazil is not only about the Olympics. A lot has been going on in the Brazilian chapter of the Open Knowledge Network as well. Here we highlight the significant chapter developments, including some new faces and some […]
Read moreOpinion piece – Why Open Knowledge International should join ICANN
This is an opinion piece by an Open Knowledge network member. You can also publish your opinion on the blog by sending us an email to First, let me quickly tell you what kind of an organisation is ICANN (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers), for I feel that albeit its burgeoning global importance, most people […]
Read moreAn interview with Rufus Pollock – Why I am Excited about MyData 2016 in Finland
A few weeks ago I sat down for a virtual interview with Molly Schwartz from Open Knowledge Finland about my thoughts on open data and mydata and why I am so excited about the MyData 2016 conference. The three-day conference is taking place from August 31 to September 2 in Helsinki and is being organized by Open […]
Read moreUpdate on OpenTrialsFDA: finalist for the Open Science Prize
In May, the OpenTrialsFDA team (a collaboration between Erick Turner, Dr. Ben Goldacre and the OpenTrials team at Open Knowledge) was selected as a finalist for the Open Science Prize. This global science competition is focused on making both the outputs from science and the research process broadly accessible to the public. Six finalists will present their final prototypes at an Open […]
Read moreWhy we chose Slack to update our team page.
After reading Mor’s post on the recent website update, I thought I’d elaborate a little on the team page, and how we ended up using Slack to update it. The following is from a post on my personal blog. I recently undertook the task of redesigning a couple of key pages for the Open Knowledge […]
Read moreRegistration to the Open Exchange for Social Change – IODC unconference is now open!
We are excited to announce that registration is open for ‘The Open Exchange for Social Change’. This event has been referred to in the past as ‘The Unconference’ during the flurry of pre-event IOCD Madrid announcements made over the past few weeks. The response has already been amazing on social media, and we have received […]
Read moreOKI website upgrade – what we have done and the road ahead
An organisation website is its main public image or at least this is what we believe in at Open Knowledge International. For a while now, our website has needed design attention and update of content. We have therefore decided to revamp our website and give it some new look and features. Our primary thinking behind our […]
Read moreOpen Knowledge Belgium Spring – Summer Update
With only one full-time employee, the Belgian Open Knowledge ship is only a small one to sail. Nonetheless, Pieter-Jan Pauwels has proven to be a worthy captain. The rest of the crew consists of a bunch of student positions, interns, volunteers and of course, the Open Knowledge Belgium board. Even though Open Knowledge Belgium is […]
Read moreMaking data social, now in the Open Data Handbook
The most important thing for the Network team at Open Knowledge International is the community we build around data. The tools we build to achieve this are crucial as well since they allow people to make even more and better plans and projects. To continue doing this, we are restructuring a bunch of technological tools […]
Read moreOpen Data as a Human Right: the Case of Case-Law
Open data is sometimes considered first as a way to foster economic growth through the development of innovative services built on public data. However, beyond this economic perspective, important though it may be, access to public sector information should be seen first and foremost as an unprecedented opportunity to bridge the gap between the government […]
Read moreSinar Project in Malaysia works to open budget data at all levels of government
“Open Spending Data in Constrained Environments” is a project being lead by Sinar Project in Malaysia aimed exploring ways to of making critical information public and accessible to Malaysian citizens. The project is supported by the Open Data for Development programme and has been run in collaboration with Open Knowledge International & OpenSpending In Malaysia, […]
Read moreTowards the conformation of the Third Greek OGP Action Plan: Open Knowledge Greece makes three commitments
This blog post was written by Olga Kalatzi from OK Greece On the 5th of July in Athens, the open dialogue on Greece’s Third National Action Plan to the Open Government Partnership commenced where Open Knowledge Greece presented its 3 commitments for the third action plan. The commitments of OK Greece included School of Data for […]
Read moreAnnouncing IODC Unconference
We all know the feeling of the end of a conference, where after long days full of content, you leave with more unanswered questions. Conferences are a great place for networking, learning different topics and sharing achievements (and sometimes even failures), but in their nature, they are organised in a way that is less participatory […]
Read moreProgress report: OpenTrials – linking clinical trial data
Since last year Open Knowledge has been developing OpenTrials, an open, online database linking the publicly available data and documents on all clinical trials conducted – something that has been talked about for many years but never created. The project is funded by The Laura and John Arnold Foundation and directed by Dr. Ben Goldacre, an internationally known […]
Read moreOpen Access: Why do scholarly communication platforms matter and what is the true cost of gold OA?
During the past 2,5 years Open Knowledge has been a partner in PASTEUR4OA, a project focused on aligning open access policies for European Union research. As part of the work, a series of advocacy resources was produced that can be used by stakeholders to promote the development and reinforcement of such open access policies. The final two briefing papers, written […]
Read moreWhy Open Source Software Matters for Government and Civic Tech – and How to Support It
Today we’re publishing a new white paper looking at whether free/open source software matters for government and civic tech. Matters in the sense that it should have a deep and strategic role in government IT and policy rather than just being a “nice to have” or something “we use when we can”. As the paper shows the […]
Read moreAnnouncing the Legislative Openness Data Explorer
The Open Government Partnership (OGP) is premised on the notion that sharing success stories can encourage further experimentation and reform. This is certainly true with parliaments, where the Legislative Openness Working Group (LOWG) has repeatedly witnessed the value of sharing information and experience. To ensure that good practice is effectively captured and shared, the […]
Read moreIntroducing The New Proposed Global Open Data Index Survey
The Global Open Data Index (GODI) is one of the core projects of Open Knowledge International. Originally launched in 2013, it has quickly grown and now measures open data publication in 122 countries. GODI is a community tool, and throughout the years the open data community have taken an active role in shaping it by reporting […]
Read moreOpenSpending Next – Now available as Alpha version
We’re happy to announce that a new, improved version of OpenSpending is now being launched as an Alpha Version. OpenSpending Next provides a set of tools enabling users to visualise, analyse and publish budget and spending data – all based on the open Fiscal Data Package standard. OpenSpending Next is designed, developed and maintained by […]
Read moreOpen Government: Participate, Propose and Be Heard! – The Process in Greece
The involvement and collaboration of governmental bodies, citizens and other stakeholders in order to promote open data and open government initiatives were one of the main achievements of the event “Open Government: Participate, Propose and Be Heard! Conformation of the Third National Action Plan 2016-2018.” The event was co-organized by the Ministry of Interior and Administrative […]
Read moreAddressing Challenges in Opening Land Data – Resources Are Now Live
Earlier this year, Open Knowledge International announced a joint-initiative with Cadasta Foundation to explore open data in property rights with the ultimate goal of defining the land ownership dataset for the Global Open Data Index. Now, we are excited to share some initial, ground-breaking resources that showcase the complexity of working at the intersection of […]
Read moreIntroducing: MyData
this post was written by the OK Finland team What is MyData? MyData is both an alternative vision and guiding technical principles for how we, as individuals, can have more control over the data trails we leave behind us in our everyday actions. The core idea is that we, you and I, should have an […]
Read moreOpen Knowledge International – our new name!
Notice something a little different? We have had a change of name! As of today, we officially move from being called “Open Knowledge” to “Open Knowledge International (OKI)”. “Open Knowledge International” is the name by which the community groups have referred to us for a couple of years, conveying our role in supporting the groups […]
Read moreAnd what are your plans for Transparency Camp Europe?
This post was written by our friends at Open State Foundation in the Netherlands. Let’s face it. When it comes to relevant open data and transparency in European decision-making, we have a lot to do. Despite growing open data portals, and aggregating European data portal, if you want to make sense of European decision-making and […]
Read moreOpen Data Day Uganda – Promoting girls in Science and Technology
This post was written by Alwenyi Catherine Cassidy from Fund Africa Inc. Fund Africa Inc. is powered by Open Knowledge International, in partnership with NetSquared and Communication Without Boarders. We’re excited to be part of the 2016 International Open Data Day celebration in Kampala, Uganda. This event topic focused on open science and methods to encourage girls […]
Read moreGlobal Open Data Index Insights – Open Data in the Arab world
This blog post was written by Riyadh Al Balushi from the Sultanate of Oman. I recently co-authored with Sadeek Hasna a report that looks at the status of open data in the Arab World and the extent to which governments succeed or fail in making their data available to the public in a useful manner. We […]
Read moreInternational open data day report from Yaounde Cameroon
The Open Data Day 2016 was successfully hosted and celebrated in Cameroon by the netsquared Yaoundé community. The theme of the day was ‘Empowering Cameroonians to accelerate open data’, bringing together 90 participants. The event was hosted in Paraclete Institute in Yaoundé, which brought together multiple stakeholders and students, to empower them in advancing open […]
Read moreOpen Data Day Spain – Towards IODC 16
This post was written by Adolfo Anton Bravo from OK Spain. Open Data Day in Spain is not something exceptional anymore. Five years after the first Open Data Day was born in Canada, nine Spanish cities have adopted in 2016 this celebration by organizing various local events It is not a coincidence that Spain will host […]
Read moreCode for Ghana Open Data Day 2016
This blog post was written by Florence Abena Toffa from Code for Ghana. The International Open Data Day is a gathering of citizens in various cities around the world to write applications, liberate data, create visualizations and publish analysis of open public data. This year, we partnered with National Information Technology Agency (NITA) to provide us […]
Read moreDiplohack in Brussels – The first hack in the Council of the European Union
For the first time in history, we can hack from inside the Council of the European Union building! Join us at #Diplohack in Brussels in the Council of the European Union on the 29-30 of April. We invite everyone to take part, whether you’re a diplomat, developer, designer, citizen, student, journalist or activist. We will connect different […]
Read moreOn the “Open Data Day 2016” wave – Burkina Faso
This blog post was written by Justin Yarga. A modest day, but a rich day: Open Data Day in Burkina Faso has helped advance the uptake open data by the open data ecosystem and also helped explore new areas for opening up data. And this time, it is the health sector that was the subject of […]
Read moreWhat happened during Open Data Day 2016 in Aix en Provence?
This blog post was written by Samuel Goeta and the team in Open Knowledge France This year, Open Data Day in France left Paris after hosting us in several tech hubs in the capital: Telecom ParisTech in 2013, Simplon in 2014 and La Paillasse en 2015. However, Paris still celebrated Open Data Day online. Etalab, the […]
Read moreOpen Data Day Buenos Aires – planning the open data agenda for 2016
This blog was written by Yamila Garcia, Open Knowledge ambassador in Argentina For the third time, we celebrated Open Data Day in Argentina, and we invited different groups to celebrate it with us: members of the official open government office; transparency, open data and freedom of information activists, civic innovators, journalists and anyone who is interested in […]
Read moreOpen Data Day 2016 Malaysia Data Expedition – Measuring Provision of Public Services for Education
This blog post was written by the members of the Sinar project in Malaysia In Malaysia, Sinar Project with the support of Open Knowledge International organised a one-day data expedition based on the guide from School of Data to search for data related to government provision of health and education services. This brought together a […]
Read moreOpen Data Day 2016 Birmingham, UK
This blogpost was written by Pauline Roche, MD of voluntary sector infrastructure support agency, RnR Organisation, co-organiser Open Mercia, co-Chair West Midlands Open Data Forum, steering group member Open Data Institute (ODI) Birmingham node, founder Data in Brum 20 open data aficionados from across sectors as diverse as big business, small and medium enterprises, and […]
Read moreOpen Data Day Cairo 2016
This blog post was written by Adham Kalila from Transport for Cairo There is a strong institutional fear of open data in Egypt. In a culture attuned to privacy and private spaces, the concern with the potential negative impacts of opening up data and giving access arouses suspicion towards asking too many questions. There is […]
Read more#OpenDataDay 2016 – Lima, Peru
For the third consecutive year, Open Data Peru organised the #OpenDataDay 2016, an international event about #OpenData. Currently, the open data is becoming a trend adopted by governments to provide information about public spending, budgets, etc. in open formats, free to use and available to any citizen. In this way it seeks to create a […]
Read moreCodeAcross & OpenDataDay Zagreb 2016
This blog post was written by Filip Rodik from Code4Crotaia. Close to 100 guests, speakers, teachers and journalists gathered in a conference room on March 3rd to hear the recent news about the ongoing Croatian curricular reform and the development of the Open Data program. The event was hosted by one of our sponsors – Algebra […]
Read moreInternational Open Data Day in Addis Abba, Ethiopia
This blog post was written By Solomon Mekonnen Co-founder, Code4Ethiopia & Local Organizer, Open Knowledge An open data interest group representing 25 participants from universities, NGOs, CSOs and government ministries attended an open data event on 5th March, 2016, with theme “Raising Open Data awareness in the grass root community of Ethiopia”. The event was organized […]
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