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New report: Data journalism in Tanzania
Open Knowledge International and the School of Data are excited to announce the publication of a new research report into the state of data journalism in Tanzania. Data-driven journalism is an important and disruptive change in contemporary journalism practice. It is not a panacea solution to the fake news era, but it is a piece […]
Read more2019 Open Data Day celebrations in Kenya
This report is part of the event report series on International Open Data Day 2019. On Saturday 2nd March, groups from around the world organised over 300 events to celebrate, promote and spread the use of open data. EldoHub and OpenStreetMap Kenya received funding through the mini-grant scheme by Mapbox and the Foreign and Commonwealth Office of the […]
Read moreEU copyright vote a ‘massive blow’ for internet users
MEPs have today voted to press ahead with a controversial copyright crackdown in a ‘massive blow’ for all internet users. Despite a petition with over 5 million signatures and scores of protests across Europe attended by tens of thousands of people, MEPs voted by 348 to 274 in favour of the changes. It is expected […]
Read moreOpen Data Day in Taiwan and Zimbabwe
This report is part of the event report series on International Open Data Day 2019. On Saturday 2nd March, groups from around the world organised over 300 events to celebrate, promote and spread the use of open data. OpenStreetMap Taiwan, Wikimedia Taiwan and the Bindura University of Science Education (BUSE) received funding through the mini-grant scheme […]
Read moreFinal copyright vote: MEPs must choose to save the internet
MEPs will today vote on a controversial copyright crackdown that could restrict internet freedoms for millions of people. After years of negotiation, the final vote will be held on reforms that could result in automatic ‘upload filters’ which restrict what can be posted on social media platforms like YouTube. More than 5.1million people have signed a […]
Read moreOpen Data Day in Argentina: MenstruAction and Open Data for equality and citizen empowerment
This report is part of the event report series on International Open Data Day 2019. On Saturday 2nd March, groups from around the world organised over 300 events to celebrate, promote and spread the use of open data. Escuela de Fiscales and Economía Femini(s)ta received funding through the mini-grant scheme by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office of the United Kingdom, […]
Read moreInternational Open Data Day celebrated in Nigeria
This report is part of the event report series on International Open Data Day 2019. On Saturday 2nd March, groups from around the world organised over 300 events to celebrate, promote and spread the use of open data. BudgIT Foundation and Connected Development (CODE) received funding through the mini-grant scheme by Hivos / Open Contracting Partnership, to organise […]
Read moreOpen Data Day 2019: open science events in Benin and Cameroon
This report is part of the event report series on International Open Data Day 2019. On Saturday 2nd March, groups from around the world organised over 300 events to celebrate, promote and spread the use of open data. AfricArxiv and APSOHA received funding through the mini-grant scheme by the Frictionless Data for Reproducible Research project, to […]
Read moreOpen Data Day 2019: A joint report by iWatch Africa and Lesotho Open Data Initiative
This report is part of the event report series on International Open Data Day 2019. On Saturday 2nd March, groups from around the world organised over 300 events to celebrate, promote and spread the use of open data. iWatch Africa and Lesotho Open Data Initiative received funding through the mini-grant scheme by the Foreign and […]
Read moreLeveraging open data for healthier communities in Africa
On Open Data Day 2019, groups from around the world organised over 300 events to celebrate, promote and spread the use of open data. The Women Economic and Leadership Transformation Initiative (WELTI) and Safety First for Girls Outreach Foundation (SAFIGI) received funding through our mini-grant scheme by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office of the United Kingdom, to organise […]
Read moreData Curator – share usable open data
Data Curator is a simple desktop editor to help describe, validate, and share usable open data. Open data producers are increasingly focusing on improving open data so it can be easily used to create insight and drive positive change. Open data is more likely to be used if data consumers can: understand the structure and […]
Read moreWorld Wide Web faces real dangers as it turns 30
This article was originally published in The Scotsman. Sir Tim Berners-Lee’s invention of the world wide web has transformed modern life, but more work must be done to ensure it continues to be a force for good, writes Catherine Stihler. At the giant research laboratory in a suburb of Geneva, the innovative ideas produced by […]
Read moreAnnouncing the Fiscal Data Helpdesk
Having data for budgets and spending can allow us to track public money flows in our communities. It can give us insights into how governments plan and focus on programmes, public works, and services. So the Global Initiative for Fiscal Transparency (GIFT), along with Open Knowledge International (OKI), have been working on new tools to […]
Read moreHow open is government data in Africa?
Findings from the Africa Open Data Index and Africa Data Revolution Report Today, we are pleased to announce the results of Open Knowledge International’s Africa Open Data Index. This regional version of our Global Open Data Index collected baseline data on open data publication in 30 African countries to provide input for the second Africa […]
Read moreNepal’s First Women In Data Conference
This blog was jointly written by Dikpal Khatri Chhetry and Dipti Gautam of Open Knowledge Nepal and has been reposted from the Open Knowledge Nepal blog On 24th February 2019 Nepal’s first Women in Data Conference was organized with the theme डाटा शक्ति नारी शक्ति – ‘where two superpowers meet’. It brought together inspiring female speakers, influential panelists, […]
Read moreFighting for a more open world: our CEO’s keynote speech at Open Belgium 2019
On Monday 4th March 2019, Catherine Stihler, the new chief executive of Open Knowledge International, will deliver a keynote speech – Fighting for a more open world – at the Open Belgium 2019 conference in Brussels. Read the speech below and visit the Open Belgium website or follow the hashtag to learn more about the event. […]
Read moreHow to deal with IP rights of growing projects and products at hackathons – experience from the Japanese context
Ahead of Open Data Day on Saturday 2nd March 2019, Tomoaki Watanabe from our Japanese chapter Open Knowledge Japan shares more information on a tool they developed to facilitate dealing with intellectual property (IP) rights during hackathon events. This year, many Open Data Day events are planned in Japan: Open Knowledge Japan created an overview […]
Read moreProtecting libraries and the vital role they play in local communities
This article was originally published in The Scotsman. With councils across the UK facing major financial pressures, libraries are too often seen as an easy target for cuts. In 2017, it is estimated that more than 120 libraries closed their doors in England, Wales and Scotland. That figure is likely to have increased last year. […]
Read moreHow was 2018 for Open Knowledge Brasil?
This blog has been translated from its original version on the OK Brasil blog. The complete 2018 Annual Report of OK Brasil is available here. The year 2018 was of great evolution for Open Knowledge Brasil from the institutional point of view. Under new leadership and with a new team, with the incorporation of “Operação […]
Read moreFacebook challenged to tackle the spread of ‘fake news’ ahead of vital European elections
Facebook’s global affairs boss Sir Nick Clegg has been challenged to tackle the spread of ‘fake news’ on Facebook ahead of vital European elections. Catherine Stihler, chief executive of Open Knowledge International and a former MEP, has written to the former Deputy Prime Minister to request more transparency from Facebook and its assistance in resuscitating […]
Read moreApplication for Nepali Open Data Fellowship – Women Edition now open!
This blog has been reposted from the Open Knowledge Nepal blog Open Knowledge Nepal is very excited to announce that the ‘Open Data Fellowship – Women Edition‘ application is now open for all the women enthusiasts out there. The main motive behind the fellowship is to increase the number of women leaders in the field of […]
Read moreThese are the grantees of the Open Data Day 2019 mini-grant scheme!
Open Data Day is an important date for a broad community that works for a more open world, where information can benefit more people. To support the efforts made by different groups and organizations on this day, we have developed the Open Data Day mini-grants, where, along with other organizations interested in having a more […]
Read moreOpen data governance and open governance: interplay or disconnect?
Authors: Ana Brandusescu, Carlos Iglesias, Danny Lämmerhirt, Stefaan Verhulst (in alphabetical order) The presence of open data often gets listed as an essential requirement toward “open governance”. For instance, an open data strategy is reviewed as a key component of many action plans submitted to the Open Government Partnership. Yet little time is spent on […]
Read moreAnnouncing the Frictionless Data Tool Fund
Apply for a mini-grant to build an open source tool for reproducible research using Frictionless Data tooling, specs, and code base Today, Open Knowledge International is launching the Frictionless Data Tool Fund, a mini-grant scheme offering grants of $5,000 to support individuals or organisations in developing an open source tool for reproducible science or research […]
Read moreEU’s chilling copyright crackdown an ‘attack on openness’
EU negotiators have struck a deal over copyright reform that is an ‘attack on openness’, the new chief executive of Open Knowledge International has warned. Catherine Stihler, a former MEP and vice-chair of the European Parliament’s consumer protection committee, said the changes will restrict internet freedoms for millions of users. The agreement will require platforms such […]
Read moreBuilding a more open world: thoughts from our new CEO Catherine Stihler
This is my first week in my new role as Chief Executive of Open Knowledge International. Digital skills and data use have always been a personal passion, and I can’t wait to work alongside and meet so many talented people fighting for a more open world. It is a privilege to be part of an […]
Read moreTwo new supporters join the Open Data Day mini-grant fund!
Open Data Day 2019 is closer each day! We’re excited to see the events map slowly coming together in different parts of the world. For those of you who are not familiar with the event, Open Data Day is the yearly event where we reach out to new people and build new solutions to issues […]
Read moreWarming up to csv,conf.v4
On May 8 and 9 2019, the fourth version of csv,conf is set to take place at Eliot Center in Portland, Oregon, United States. csv,conf is a community conference bringing together diverse groups to discuss data topics, and features stories about data sharing and data analysis from science, journalism, government, and open source. Over two days, […]
Read moreCelebrating the public domain in 2019
2019 is a special year for the public domain, the out-of-copyright material that everyone is free to enjoy, share, and build upon without restriction. Normally, each year on the 1st of January a selection of works (books, films, artworks, musical scores and more) enter the public domain because their copyright expires – which is most […]
Read moreAnnouncing the Open Data Day 2019 mini-grant scheme
Who is data for? Who gets to use it and for which reasons? Can data help social causes? If so, how? These are some of the questions that we are asking ourselves while we think about Open Data Day. We know that the answers to these questions may look very different depending on the context, […]
Read moreNominations open for Swedish Open Knowledge Awards 2018
This blog has been reposted from the OK Sweden blog. Open Knowledge Sweden is aiming to create a tradition to acknowledge people and organizations to foster better, open, democratic, inclusive and innovative society. Open Knowledge should be a mainstream concept and a natural part of our everyday lives. That is why we are organising the […]
Read moreWhat data counts in Europe? Towards a public debate on Europe’s high value data and the PSI Directive
This blogpost was co-authored by Danny Lämmerhirt, Pierre Chrzanowski and Sander van der Waal (*author note at the bottom) January 22 will mark a crucial moment for the future of open data in Europe. That day, the final trilogue between European Commission, Parliament, and Council is planned to decide over the ratification of the updated PSI Directive. […]
Read moreShaping the future of Open Knowledge in Nepal
This blog has been reposted from the Open Knowledge Nepal blog as part of our blog series of Open Knowledge Network updates. Wrapping up 2018, we’d like to take this opportunity to thanks everyone who supported us over the past year. In this cold winter season, we tried to reflect our key works of 2018 over the […]
Read morePaul Walsh is joining Viderum as CEO
I am delighted to announce that from January 1st 2019 I am moving from Open Knowledge International (OKI) to join OKI’s sister organization Viderum as CEO. In my 4.5 years at OKI, I’ve had the privilege of working across a wide range of the activity the organisation engages in. I’ve written software for immediate deployment […]
Read moreAdvancing Sustainability Together: Launching new report on citizen-generated data and its relevance for the SDGs
We are pleased to announce the launch of our latest report Advancing Sustainability Together? Citizen-Generated Data and the Sustainable Development Goals. The research is the result of a collaboration with King’s College London, Public Data Lab and the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development Data. Citizen-generated data (CGD) expands what gets measured, how, and for what […]
Read moreMyData Global has elected its first board of directors
Over 70 organisations and close to 500 individuals have formed MyData Global, a nonprofit to promote the ethical use of personal data and to strengthen digital human rights. On 15 November 2018, over 130 members participated in the first general meeting of the organisation, which elected its first board of directors from among 24 candidates. […]
Read moreWhat we learnt from Boundary hunting
You may remember that in August this year, mySociety and Open Knowledge International launched a survey, looking for the sources of digital files that hold electoral boundaries… for every country in the world. Well, we are still looking! There is a good reason for this hunt: the files are integral for people who want to […]
Read moreOpen data and the fight against corruption in Latvia, Sweden and Finland
This blog has been crossposted from the Open Knowledge Sweden blog. Transparency International Latvia, in collaboration with Open Knowledge Sweden and Open Knowledge Finland, has published a new study on open data and anti-corruption policies in Latvia, Sweden and Finland, showing that governments in the three countries could do more to leverage the potential of […]
Read moreCatherine Stihler appointed new CEO of Open Knowledge International
Catherine Stihler has been appointed as the new Chief Executive Officer of Open Knowledge International. Catherine has years of experience in the creation and sharing of knowledge on the global stage. She will join the OKI team in February, and will stand down as an MEP at the end of January after an extraordinary career […]
Read moreOpenSchufa: The first results
This blog has been reposted from the Open Knowledge Foundation Germany blog In early 2018 the Open Knowledge Foundation Germany (OKFDE) and Algorithm-Watch launched the project OpenSCHUFA, which works on reverse-engineering the algorithms of the Schufa, Germany’s credit rating system. This week the first analyses of OpenSchufa dataset are published. The data teams and editorial offices of […]
Read moreParis Peace Forum Hackathon: A new chance to talk about open data
A few weeks ago we had the chance to attend the first edition of the Paris Peace Forum. The goal of this new initiative is to exchange and discuss concrete global governance solutions. More than 10,000 people attended, 65 Heads of State and Government were present, and 10 international organizations leaders convened for those three days […]
Read moreOpen in order to ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages
The following blog post is an adaptation of a talk given at the OpenCon 2018 satellite event hosted at the United Nations Headquarters in New York City. Slides for the talk can be found here. When I started medical school, I had no idea what Open Access was, what subscriptions were and how they would […]
Read moreAnnouncing Rufus Pollock is Joining Viderum
Open Knowledge International and Viderum are delighted to announce that Rufus Pollock is joining Viderum as President and CEO. Rufus is a pioneer and leader in the open data community, founder of Open Knowledge, and the original creator of CKAN. Rufus will also be acquiring a majority stake in Viderum and is committed to ongoing […]
Read moreIntroducing our new Product Manager for Frictionless Data
Earlier this year OKI announced new funding from The Alfred P. Sloan Foundation to explore “Frictionless Data for Reproducible Research”. Over the next three years we will be working closely with researchers to support the way they are using data with the Frictionless Data software and tools. The project is delighted to announce that Lilly […]
Read moreOpen Washing: digging deeper into the tough questions
This blog was written by James McKinney, Oscar Montiel and Ana Brandusescu For the second time in history, the International Open Data Conference (IODC) opened a space for us to talk about #openwashing. The insights from IODC16 have been brilliantly summarised by Ana Brandusescu, also a host of this year’s session. On this occasion, we […]
Read moreElvis maps your tenders
Ever heard of public procurement? Public tenders? Public spending? It is what your government does with your hard earned taxes: hires companies to do things. In return for your taxes, companies build roads, buildings, deliver cozy office chairs for the ministries, or take care of catering for public schools. A lot of data on public […]
Read moreNon-profit organisation dedicated to defending digital human rights, MyData Global, is founded
PRESS RELEASE, 16th October 2018 Over 100 people from over 20 countries took part in the founding meeting of the MyData Global nonprofit organisation last Thursday, October 11. The purpose of MyData Global is to empower individuals by improving their right to self-determination regarding their personal data. The human-centric paradigm is aimed at a fair, […]
Read moreDo you use OpenGLAM? Help review shared #OpenGLAM principles for Open Galleries, Libraries, Archives and Museums
TL;DR: As part of reinvigorating our OpenGLAM (Open Galleries, Libraries, Archives and Museums) community, we’re evaluating the OpenGLAM principles: fill out this survey and get involved. Several months ago, community members from Wikimedia, Open Knowledge International and Creative Commons reinvigorated the “OpenGLAM” initiative. OpenGLAM is a global network of people and organizations who are working […]
Read moreYouth Data Champions: Empowerment, Leadership and Data
This post was jointly written by Shubham Ghimire, Chief Operating Officer and Nikesh Balami, Chief Executive Officer of Open Knowledge Nepal as a part of the Youth Empowerment, Youth Leadership and Data Workshop. It has been reposted from the Open Knowledge Nepal blog. This summer, the PAHICHAN – Youth Empowerment, Youth Leadership and Data workshop […]
Read moreIODC 2018: The hard questions for the future of open data
The latest edition of the International Open Data Conference (IODC) is just around the bend. We’ll be discussing open data during the entire week in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Through a series of pre-events, including symposiums, discussion panels and workshops as well as the main conference, we will discuss with open data practitioners, advocates, and researchers […]
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